Main Menu

The main menu gives access to most iCollections functions and features. When you have just installed iCollections, the main menu is the only visible interface. To create a Collection select "New" submenu:

See Types of Collections for descriptions of all available Collections.
Submenu "Go" contains a list of created Collections. Clicking Go->Collection allows you to quickly activate selected Collection and bring it to the front.

File Storage submenu contains commands to manage the Storage:

Get Info - opens the Storage "Get Info" window in the Finder.
Show in Finder - locate the Storage in the Finder browser.
Move - moves the Storage to a new location. All Collections will be moved to the new folder.
Switch - changes the Storage. Usefull if you need several Collection sets.
Back up - creates a backup of all Collections and all settings. The backup is a single file which can be copied or moved to any folder or volume for later use. See the backup section.
Restore - Restores all Collections and settings from a backup file. The current Collections will be overwritten.

Screen submenu manages your Collections on the screen:
Pin to Desktop
keeps Collections on the Desktop when you activate "Show Desktop" function on your Mac:

Auto rearrange Collections
Automatically arranges collections on the screen.
Fix Out-Of-Screen Collections
If some Collections lie off-screen, use this option to move them to the visible area.
Select Collections
It allows you to select multiple Collections and move or delete them at once.
Store / Restore Locations
Use this option if your Collections are improperly arranged after waking up the computer. Sometimes this happens in multi-monitor setups. Save the locations when the Collection layout is correct. If your Collections change their location after waking the computer, use the Restore Locations option.
"About" displays iCollections version and copyright infos.

Preferences. General iCollections settings. The settings determine iCollections behaviour and functionality.

Help submenu contains access to the manual, suport and check for update:

iCollections Help - opens this manual.
Quick Guide - Frequently asked questions.
What's new - the last version update notice.
Check for Update - checks for a new version availability. iCollections also checks for a new version everyday (can be switched off in the Preferences).
iCollections Online, Support - open iCollections webpage.
Report Bug - the recommended way of reporting any problems and bugs in iCollections. When using this option, your iCollections configuration is sent to our suport team. This will help us to reproduce the reported problem and send you a soultion.