Settings - Advanced

Display grid during drag and drop. When dragging items onto a Collections with Grid Mode, the grid will be displayed to indicate empty slots.

Clicking on an item label.... Makes it possible to distinguish between clicking on an icon and clicking on a label in Single-Click Mode.

Do not spring-load a folder... Spring-loaded folder will be opened when drag and drop over the item icon only.

Collection auto-enlarge
When pressing the enlarge button.
Define size (relative to the screen) and opacity of the enlarged window after pressing the enlarge buton in top-left corner of a Collection.

Bring a Collection to front when deminiaturize. When user clicks on a Collection, its window will be send to front of a screen.

Hide all Collections under the deminiaturized one. This option concerns "Auto-Shrink" Collections. When Auto-Shrinked Collection unshrinks (deminiaturize) it overlaps underlying Collections. This makes all items in deminiaturized Collection clearly visible:

Keep Collections at the Desktop Level. When any other application is active (frontmost), all Collections will be sent to the Desktop level (under all other windows). This is the default setting:

Don't bring Collection to front when clicking on it. When selected, all Collections will always stay at the lowest level of Desktop. When unselected, Collections will react similar to other macOS windows - the active Collection will be darker and will have window shadow. You can always bring a Collection to front by Alt + click on the Collection's title bar.