DirEqual icon

Scherlokk User Manual

Scherlokk lets you search on your local and remote mounted discs. Scherlokk doesn't use Spotlight indexes but instead uses it's own engine to quickly find your missed files. Since Scherlokk physically goes through every file in a searched folder, there is no possibility to omit any file.

The search criteria in Scherlokk allow for quick and easy customization. You may restrict your search to certain locations or file types (music, picture, movie, document or binary).
Scherlokk's main window is divided into 4 sections:

• File description to find
• Search criteria definition
• Toolbar with action buttons
• Search result table with path selector
Detailed description of the window's elements:
(1) Define search options. You can narrow find results by setting file size, date and kind. Only files meeting the criteria will be found.

"File size between" allows to specify the file size range. The size can be specified in B, kB, MB and GB.
"File kind". You can choose any combination of the types or all files.
Selecting "Diacritic" checkbox in the options popup will distinguish national characters eg. óäúá .

The date part allows to find files which were created or modified at the specified date range. Click calendar icon on the right to display the date dialog. Date range dialog allows to set the date using start/end calendar or by specify number of days since today.

(2) Add or exclude folders to be search through. You can create list of multi-search and excluded folders to extend or narrow search locations.
(3) Select a folder to be searched. You can click the "open" button to select a folder from the open dialog, or you can simply drag and drop any folder into the location section. The "Search in subfolders" option allows you to search all subfolders of the searched folder. "Search in packages" searches package folders such as applications, frameworks, Xcode projects, etc.

(4) Enter full or part of a file name to find.
(5) Fill in to search inside files for a specified content. To search for files containing more than one term, enter all terms separated by the enter key. From the combobox on the right, select whether you want Scherlokk to find files containing all terms or files that contain any of the terms. "Ignore case" will find strings ignoring small and capitals letters. Check "Whole words" option to look only for a text string when it appears in a word by itself, not when it appears as part of another word.
(6) Additional search options:
• "Search in package contents" allows to search in bundles eg. applications.
• "Search invisible/hidden items" will result in finding hidden files - by default all hidden/system files are hidden in Finder and are invisible for Spotlight as well.
• "Search for folders". Select this option if you want to find folder(s). If you are looking for a file - this option should be off to shorten the found items list.
(7) Display mode buttons allows switching between flat, hierarchical and icon view mode.

Other buttons on the toolbar:
• "View" opens a quick look for the selected item.
• "Open" opens the selected items as it would be double clicked in the Finder.
• "Location" reveals the item in the Finder window.
• "Info" displays a details dialog of the item.
• "Delete" moves the selected items to the Trash.
• "Inspector" - show/hide inspector view (13)
(8) The filter that allows you to filter the list of results. You can filter results by the file name or by any other column in the browser table. Green "play" icon starts the searching. It turns into red "stop" icon when the searching is in progress.
(9) The table header. It allows you to sort the results in the table by any column. Additionally, all search criteria are indicated by yellow header background, to notify user about the applied filter. Eg. if you specify a file kind, the "Kind" column header will appear with a yellow color.

(10) The search result table. If you specify a search term inside a file, the results table contains the first phrase found along with a short context. The found term is highlighted in blue. User can select files (one or many) and perform actions from the contextual menu (display the menu by right click or ctrl+click). Commands in the context menu are equivalent of the toolbar action buttons and the main "File" menu. To open a file in the internal hex editor, select "Edit in Hex Editor" from the context menu or press Alt key and double-click the file.

By pressing "Enter" key or clicking again the selected file, the file can be renamed:

(11) The path control displays the full path of the selected item. User can click any part of the path to reveal it in the Finder.
Extending a license for all users on a computer
By default the license is valid for a user who enters the license key. But the license can be extended to all users within a computer (also new users).

To extend license for all users, open About dialog and click on a registered user name. A detailed description can be found here.
Questions, Feedback and Contact
Should you have any questions, please go to our support page.